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Here are some frequently asked questions about the library auction and their answers!


What is the price of admission?

$2 gets you into the auction and all of its associated goodies such as the raffle prize draw and your chance at winning door prizes.


What methods of payment are accepted for winning bids?

Cash or cheque are accepted forms of payment. Sorry, no credit or debit cards.


What else does the auction have to offer?

You can buy a full lunch on the premises as well as make an offer for some other items at the bazaar table.


Who does the auction benefit?

The auction takes all of its proceeds and divides it up among various charities in Montreal to help those in need during the holiday season, when need requests are at their highest. The list of charities who will benefit in 2015 are:


Auberge Madeleine
Can Serve Foundation
Chez Doris
CODE (Canadian Organization for Development through Education)
Concordia University Centre for the Arts in Human Development (CAHD)
Multi-Faith Chaplaincy
Financial Aids and Awards
Dans la Rue
The Montreal Gazette Christmas Fund
Operation Eyesight Universal
Sun Youth
The Women's Centre of Montreal



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